Painting Studio

“In this class we investigated how observed and imaginary spaces and objects can be represented with acrylic paint and mixed media. Students gained technical skills and developed individual style through rigorous exercises in paint application, brushstrokes, composition and colour theory. 

We worked together to expand our understanding of tools and processes by using a range of materials on a variety of surfaces. Each week we took steps towards learning how to think through the process of painting by using a variety of mark making techniques, learning different ways of preparing our surfaces, playing with elements of collage, experimenting with altering the viscosity of paint and exploring composition.  

The online format of this course gave us the opportunity to discover the potential of alternative studio spaces and traditional/unconventional materials. We explored many different approaches, slowed down the process of painting and thought through each step as we worked towards this final exhibition.”

Russna Kaur, Painting Studio Instructor

Please click on the image to visit the Artist Gallery:

