Campus Exhibition

Opening July 26th (July 26th-August 8th) the ECU Summer Teens Programs Exhibition showcases the artwork produced during our two summer teens programs: the Summer Institute for teens and the Junior Arts Institute.Teens and the Junior Arts Institute.

A special highlight of the exhibition is the student exhibition planning committee, comprised of student representatives from each studio.

Meeting weekly for four weeks, students developed leadership skills and gained important exhibition and curatorial experience. Together, they collaboratively conceived of the exhibition’s name and theme, infusing it with their collective vision.

Conceived of by the exhibition planning committee the title "Reverie" evokes a state of dreamy contemplation and reflective wonder, inviting viewers to explore the space between reality and imagination.

"Reverie" is a celebration of the power of imagination and the beauty of fleeting thoughts, transporting visitors to a realm where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary. Experience a journey through the fantastical and the introspective, and let your own daydreams guide you through this enchanting collection.