Lina Pederson

Exploring Text

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Discovering the Colours Around You

“Next to me sits a slumped figure wearing white socks and cloaked in thick dark fur. Huffing, puffing, sneezing, snoring. Surrounded by a sea of quilted cushions and blankets. In front of me, drawers are bursting at the seams, overflowing with clothes. Topped with a canopy of fluid colour and texture. Beneath me, canvases line the floor. White stones in a raging grey river. Beyond them cyan blue, cool vermillion, red violet, hookers green, dark ultramarine, yellow ochre, and titanium white. All encrusted with ancient layers of dried plastic and pigment, perched atop an empty desk. Across, a mirror is reflecting the image back tenfold. Again, again, again, and again. The room becomes a kaleidoscope of sheens, knits, chromes, and wood. They all weave in and out amongst each other, big warm hands cupped around my huddled form.”

Mark Making


Blackout Poetry

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