Yanzhi (Amy) Zhang
“I love to imagine in my free time. Sometimes I draw out the ideas I get from my imagined world. In addition to painting, I also play piano and violin. Music and colours inspire me a lot. I love to explore different kinds of materials and brushstrokes, this process helps me develop my unique style and approach to painting.”
Mark Making
The thick old house under the fingermarks with a deep dim vivid past. Feeling stronger when she rose. She noticed the unaccompanied book that turned left as she imagined. Few pages read to her subject threw deeper now, but gained undefinable change.
Discovering the Colours Around You
“Pales of textbooks at the left coner of my big plastic white table, biology, geography, chemistry, physic, pre calculus, harmony, history, all with paper cover. That is why the left conor of my table are slightly lower in comparison to the right conor of my table. Color pencils, pens, markers, brushes, watercolors, acylics, rulers, eraser, protractor, compass, colorful post-it, and notebooks are on a three level shelves infront of a big window on the right conor of my desk. There are two glass of water from today and yesterday. There is a big plate of snack full of chips and dry cranberries. Under the desk, there are my flute, violin, keyboard harmony note book, piano books, and a simple purple backpack in a white hard plastic basket. Five windows infront of me, eight windows on my right, four windows behind me with a wooden glass in the middle door on the left of the four windows, and two big sliding glass door on my right with long white curtains long enough to droop on the floor. Light color hard wood floor, with bright white ceiling what a beautiful match?! Total of three big white plastic tables and a bit smaller white wooden table placed one on my left by the coner, one behind me, and the white wooden table behind me on my left just infront of the big glass sliding door. A pen holder full of feather that was collected at the beach, grey, brown, and white. ”