Animation Studio
The first two weeks of the Animaton Studio in the Summer Institute for Teens were taken up with learning how to create the illusion of life using paper cut-outs and other objects in motion. My students faced many challenges, from having to build their own studio out of a cardboard box, to learning how to slow down their own perceptions to twelve frames per second. In between, we learned a bit about the history of animation, including one day spent looking closely at some of China's most esteemed animators. We learned what it means to pursue a career in animation, through watching a great variety of films, as well as having opportunities to ask questions of several guest-star speakers, who zoomed in especially to share their experiences with us. As students, you were all so attentive, even in this difficult online format, and I m grateful for the careful work and intelligent questions. I'm honoured to have been your teacher this summer!
- Jody Kramer, Animation Studio Instructor (Stop Motion Animation)
Stop-Motion Animation
Instructor: Jody Kramer
The following animations represent an absolute crash-course in 2D hand-drawn animation principles.
In a short 2-week duration we added to principles learned in Jody's session and studied secondary action; dialogue acting; the use of staggers in the manipulation of timing; and walk cycles- with the added challenge of creating an 'ANI-JAM' where could explore any kind of action to transition between their characters.
There were many reasons these should not have worked. The pandemic drastically changed the dynamic of our learning environment; students worked with what software and hardware that was available to them; the ages of the students; the anticipated level of their experience; the limited time available to teach the hundreds of principles needed for quality animation; etc. These students could have relied on so many excuses for this animation not to work. And yet it does work. Their work shows amazing resilience and experience beyond their years. I am deeply impressed by these talented animators and by the accomplishments evident in their work. It's been a huge privilege to have worked with them.
- Darren Brereton, Animation Studio Instructor (2D Hand-Drawn Animation)
2D Hand-Drawn Animation:
Instructor: Darren Brereton
2D Hand-Drawn Animation:
Instructor: Darren Brereton