Anna Hemsurya Title: Standing on the Shoulders of Complex Female Characters // Inspired and adapted by the words of Rayne Fisher-Quann on our generation’s obsession with identity. Title: Standing on the Shoulders of Complex Female Characters // Inspired and adapted by the words of Rayne Fisher-Quann on our generation’s obsession with identity. Title: Standing on the Shoulders of Complex Female Characters // Inspired and adapted by the words of Rayne Fisher-Quann on our generation’s obsession with identity. Slide 1 Slide 1 (current slide) Slide 2 Slide 2 (current slide) Slide 3 Slide 3 (current slide) View fullsize Title: This is a Work Event View fullsize Title: Everything Everywhere All At Once View fullsize Artist(s) name: Anna Hemasurya, Kylan Macarthur Assignment: Local Brand Rebranding Title: The Rickshaw Theatre Rebranding