Rebecca Chiang
One Of The Ones
One Of The Ones / Digital
One of the pretty apples that got to stay on the display. One of the apples that is shining waxy, red and beautiful. Stands out that one everyone wants.
One That Made It
One that made it / Digital
The one that made it is seeing how far the apple has come from being on a tree not getting eaten by birds, then getting pick, sorted out form the good and the bad, then making it into a box, sat in a warehouse, got loaded up to a truck, sit through the drive, makes it into the store, into the freezer, and then when the apple finally gets put out on display. As its time to shine within its life span it gets pinched and poke and judged after all it's been through, and most of them “don't make it”. When referring to “making it” means when the apples are picked and are brought home by the customers.
Pretty Red
Pretty Red / Digital
People might find it odd why I took interest in apples for my projects. It was because I have a different point of view. Had experience working at a grocery store in the produce department. I remember each apple box was heavy when I had to restock them. I ended up throwing out half of the amount I put out on display. Even though the apples were perfectly fine apples, still completely edible except their appearance were not up to the “standard” for the grocery store. Even with the ones that had only a few dents or nail marks. From customers picking through them and squeezing them but not picking them. Throw them back into the pile.
Shadow With Stick
Shadow With Stick / Digital