Natalie DesRosiers
Mythic Creature
Tree Creature / 1200 px by 1900 px /Adobe Photoshop Tools / In this project, I created a kind of tree-like monster. I took three reference images for the face, torso/arms, and the legs. I, of course, made it into my own version though. These reference images were just used to inspire me and help me come up with an idea. It took a little while to get it right, but once I finished the outline of the monster, I was happy with the results and colored it in and added in detail. It took a while for me to figure out what color I was going to use for the monster because a part of me wanted to make it scary, but also colorful. Then I changed my mind and just made it a simple brown-ish color and added some shading and highlights. I’m not proud of the background at all, it looks very rushed and child-like. There is no detail and it’s extremely basic. But I’ve never drawn forests before, so it was a real challenge for me to come up with something. Especially considering I made it very last minute.
Self Portrait / 1227 px x 1300 px /Adobe Photoshop Tools / I decided to do a portrait of myself considering I’ve never done it before. I got a photo I took of myself last year and used that as a reference image. I did have to trace my nose because I just couldn’t get it right which was bothering me a lot. Besides that, it was freehanded, and I’m extremely proud of myself for that.I didn’t want to do a simple background, as in one colour, so I did kind of a tie-dye style, I guess you could call it? I’m not sure exactly what it is, but I really like the way it looks with my portrait. There’s not a lot to say about this project, it was optional, but like I said, I’ve never done a portrait of myself before and I couldn’t just let this opportunity slide.
Submechanophobia / 1500 px by 1500 px /Adobe Photoshop Tools / For this project, I did my best to draw my own fear called Submechanophobia. It’s the fear of man-made objects fully submerged underwater. I know, it’s weird. But it’s terrifying for me. It was difficult for me to draw this out good enough to scare others as well as show them what it feels like to be in my position as someone with this specific fear. Just searching up reference photos was scary for me and trying to create that amount of fear isn’t easy at all. I’m not super proud of this project. It has barely any detail, the girl doesn’t look realistic at all, the ship doesn’t have that much of a scary feel to it, and it’s just too simple for me. I wish I had done more. But I just couldn’t figure out what I could’ve done.
The Devil – Tarot Card / 2550 px by 3300 px / Adobe Photoshop Tools / I’m proud of this project. I took a picture of a real goat’s skull that I got off Google and just drew that for the head, and I also created the body based off several images of The Devil Tarot Cards I had searched up as well. I didn’t want to create the stereotypical devil with the red skin, red eyes, long pointy tail, pitchfork, and all that, so, I decided to just color it gray and like I did with the tree monster I made, I added some shadows and highlights. With most of the tarot cards, there was a man and a woman on each side of the devil, so I added those in as well, but I decided to do only the heads, so it gave the devil more power in the picture.