Mordy Brown

LogoMorph Branding Project

Colosseus Cybersecurity Squid Logo / 1336 x 766 pixels / digital

We were assigned to create logos first starting with a letter, then letting that letter morph into a recognizable shape. The tentacles on the squid were the most difficult part.


Endangered Bird Map Poster #1 / 3601 x 2700 pixels / digital

This is a poster I made in a series to raise awareness about endangered birds in Washington state. I wanted to show each bird’s elegance by experimenting with texture and shape. The map is also very colorful to show the climate regions of the state. I desaturated the colors and made the unusual choice of blues and purples so that the birds could stand out more. Birds are important because they help keep the ecosystem in balance.


Endangered Bird Map Poster #2 / 3601 x 2700 pixels / digital

This is the second series to the endangered birds poster with the birds by themselves and with additional information about them. I aimed to be informative as well as funny and humorous to raise people’s emotions about these wonderful organisms.