Monarch’s rock / 6.6’’ x 6.6’’ / Adobe Photoshop / I illustrated this with inspiration to create a fairy with my ideas of one with a monarch butterfly.
Ink Bird / 6.3’’ x 4.7’’ / Adobe Photoshop / Testing out the brushes and tools in photoshop.
Cat / 11’’ x 11’’ / Adobe Photoshop / This is an animation with 10 drawings to represent a cat walking then running.
Overgrown / 30’’ x 40’’ / Illustrator and photoshop / This is a digital painting representing my backyard. I used different tools from illustrator and photoshop.
Walk into the woods / 11” x 8.5” / Adobe Photoshop / This is a digital illustration for the children's poem. I made the foreground the center of attention from the bright lights hitting all the objects.
Daylight’s Distortion / 9’’ x 9’’ / Adobe Photoshop / This is an abstract piece representing a song we listened to called Birds In Warped Time II: 1980. I created this with watercolour and pencil then simplified it on photoshop giving a black and white lining.