Alex Wu
Maritime Museum Project
Concept Site model / 1:1000 site model / 21” x 14” / foam board, cardboard, paper / "First time making a site model in scale, I had to consider various elements, definitely worth it."
Design Development: Exterior Perspective Drawing/ 9” x 8” / paper, pencil, markers / "The assignment illustrates the outer design of the museum"
Design Development: Interior Perspective Drawing / 12” x 9” / paper, pencil, black felt pen / "The drawing introduces the design of the inside of the museum, describing the general environment."
Museum Concept Plan / 12” x 9” / paper, coloured pencil, pen, marker / "The drawing is the final design strategy I chose for the planning of the museum and surrounding areas and neighbourhood."
Museum Section Drawing / 12” x 7” / trace paper, markers, black felt pen / "The drawing is meant to give the viewer a clearer understanding of the site plan."
Program Diagram / 12” x 9” / paper, pencil, pen / "Shows the brief plan of the museum, putting the structure into sections for different use"
Architectural Atmosphere Collage: Interior / 20” x 13” / Photoshop, image on internet / "An experimentation idea of the interior design of the museum."